Compete with Racing City 3D in GT supercar races for urban circuits
On Racing City 3D pilots a super sports car GT by incredible urban scenes in 3D (Unity) competing against other powerful opponents. If you like the car games spend great time with this driving simulator. Watch not you take the road, speeds, advances, and controls your car up to the goal, prizes are waiting for you.
Choosecircuit:InnerCity(pilotamongmodernskyscrapersbynarrowstreets),Metropolis(complicatedurbancircuitinabeautifulcity)orCityPark(circuitbetweenextensivegreenareasontheoutskirtsofabigcity).Uploadyoursportscarandcompeteagainst5opponentsinracesof3lapsatthecircuit. You will getcashprizesthatyouwillaccumulate in order tobuyothermorepowerfulsportscars...speeds upandwin!